Summer in Texas poses a lot of energy-related problems for homeowners and possible home buyers. Below is a checklist of possible issues to diagnose and ensure your home is running as efficiently as possible.
Do you feel a draft? Your fireplace could be open
If you feel hot or cold spots on floor, this could mean insulation issues
Also check insulation around switch plates and electrical outlets
Listen for rattling of windows and doors, this indicates air leak
Seal mail slots and pet doors to reduce energy loss
Check exhaust fans and dryer vents to ensure air circulation
Do regular maintenance around foundation seals, mortar between bricks and siding
Fill gaps or settling in wall insulation
Schedule annual HVAC inspection for furnace and air conditioner
Replace incandescent bulbs with CFL or LED
Check ducts and seams for dirt streaks and leakages
Replace furnace and a/c air filters
Check that attic vents are not blocked by insulation
Use wrapping on water heater, hot water pipes and furnace ducts for insulation
Install storm windows to create more insulation
Remove and replace improperly installed caulking
Whether you are selling or buying this checklist can help you in the process of moving in or selling. Talk to our transition manager today to talk about your options in downsizing or to our realtors for maintaining the value of your house.